Hey y’all! I’m still here just slacked on posting this week but for good reason. If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Twitter then you know that we have been back in the States since the 3rd of July. We’re here for several reasons, the main one being to bring Boo back to the States for college. We’ve been mentally & emotionally preparing for this since last Oct when we found out that he got a full scholarship to his college of choice, yet time has flown and here we are getting ready to leave him soon. Super excited for him but trying to picture our life in Germany without him with us is not easy.
We’ve also made it to Idaho to visit with family for the first time in 6 years…so this week we’ve been crazy busy and very limited Internet access. I ‘hope’ to get back on track next week! I’ll be posting about flying Space A on a cargo plane, what it’s like to take your child to college from overseas, a neat restaurant we found along the way, and more.
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