Cass Scenic Railroad State Park, WV
Friday we left on a mini-vacation with Mr. B’s family to Cass, WV. We stayed the night in Marlinton, WV ate breakfast at French’s Diner (a place where Mr. B and his family have ate at for years) and then headed to Cass Scenic Railroad State Park for a ride on the train. We had a great time and I took lots of pictures, as usual 😉 The scenery was beautiful with all the fall colors. So here they [Read more…]
Arriving in West Virginia!
We left Williamsburg, VA (I’ll post about our time there tomorrow) and after a 6 hour drive we arrived to Mr. B’s hometown in WV! We’re glad to be here and visiting with family, not looking forward to the upcoming hour drive to AL here in a week.
One of the most interesting things we found out about Misawa, Japan when we got the assignment is that it’s considered the West Virginia of Japan.
Here [Read more…]