Looking for Travel Ideas?!
Here you can find our travel interiors and links to several Pinterest boards to help you decide where to go! . These are places that we’ve been to and that I have blog posts with information on.
You can also use the search bar on the RIGHT to search for a specific location.
You can also go to my Where We have Traveled Page and see all the places that we’ve traveled and they are linked to the post. They are in ABC order by Country.
This page is CURRENTLY being updated, so check back as I work on it!
Barcelona, Spain: Half Day, Day 1
Black Forest area (Triberg), Germany
Garmisch (Bavaria Germany area)/Salzburg (Austria area)
Hong Kong – 4 Day Itinerary, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4
Netherlands – Amsterdam area, Cheese Farm, & Zaanse Shans – wind mill village
Normandy, France Area – WWII sites, Mont. St. Michel & More !
Paris, France: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
Prague, Czech Republic – 3 Nights & 4 days
Rome, Italy: Half Day, Day 1, Day 2
Saipan – 3 Day Itinerary
Scotland, UK – 4 Night Itinerary with Costs
Budget Travel Info
Barcelona, Spain – How to Plan a Family Trip on a Budget to Barcelona
Netherlands – How to Plan a Family Trip on a Budget
Rome, Italy – How to Plan a Family Trip on a Budget to Rome
These are Pinterest boards where you can find the trips pinned by distance from Spang or Ram
Travel: Spangdahlem, Germany – Trips 3 hours or less!
Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Spangdahlem, Germany – Trips 3 hours or Less on Pinterest.
Travel: Ramstein, Germany – Trips 3 hours or less!
Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Ramstein, Germany – Trips 3 hours or less on Pinterest.
Travel: Stuttgart, Germany – Trips 3 hours or less!
Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Stuttgart, Germany – Trips 3 hours or Less on Pinterest.
Travel: Spang & Ram – Trips 3 hours or Further Away. These trips may require airline tickets, hotels, overnight stays, etc. Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Spang & Ram: Trips Further than 3 hours Away on Pinterest.
Travel: Austria
Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Austria on Pinterest.
Travel: Netherlands
Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Netherlands on Pinterest.
Travel: Paris
Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Paris, France on Pinterest.
Travel: Rome
Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Rome, Italy on Pinterest.
Travel: Barcelona, Spain
Follow Mrs. B’s board Travel: Barcelona, Spain on Pinterest.