Well we ‘were’ SUPER excited about our upcoming PCS to Aviano,Italy! Now we have been diverted to Spangdahlem, Germany…which we’re even more exited about ;p
So for now I’ll leave this PCSing Italy stuff up in case it may be helpful to others…until it gets too outdated to do so I guess!
You can read about the NEWS here. And while this is in no way our first Overseas PCS move (We’ve lived in Keflavik, Iceland and Misawa, Japan) it’s a first of it’s own sort for us. This will be the first PCS that we have to get ready for with Mr. B deployed. I know like PCSing isn’t challenging enough without having the duty member here to make sure all the necessary paperwork gets done, LOL!
This is a big PCS for us, we’re taking our Westie with us (we’ve never had a pet to PCS with us before) , Boo will be starting his Senior year after we arrive, and we’ll be leaving weeks after my husband gets back from his one year deployment (aka short tour). It’s gonna be a wild ride but those who know me know that I love a good challenge 😉
So this is the start of our journey and I am hoping to share what we learn along the way, I’ll try to link to the blog posts and such that are releveant to the PCS. Of course me being the Internet fan that I am have been scouring the Internet since literally the first day we found out and was dissappointed to only find a few bloggers and resources for Aviano, but many for other areas of Italy. So I’ll make do with what I can find and share as well!
First off I’ll share one the most helpful groups that I’ve found so far! They offer endless information about ALL subjects!
Avianao Air Base Spouses Group you do need to be either at Aviano or PCSing to Aviano to join this group.
Here are the Blogs that I’ve found so far, if you know of any others I’d love to know about them!!
Ciao, Blogga an awesome blog written by Tessa about her time at Aviano, and full of great resources
Jessica Lynn Writes is a blog written by Jessica who is living in Aviano
Stampin’ Blondie is a military spouse living in Aviano who blogs about her creative creations and her travels
Jdomb’s Travels amazing site with TONS of resources for traveling all over, I can NOT wait to try out some of their recommendations!
Life Lessons of a Military Wife although she is not in Italy, she has TONS of info about PCSing and living overseas!
Base Information
Aviano AFB Offical website
Housing Information
Automated Housing Referral Network
Passport Information
International Driver’s License Information