Don’t ya just love it when you have unexpected and uninvited guests pop up?! I mean I guess it could be a good thing depending on who the guest turns out to be, but in our case it wasn’t so great…
Our guest just happens to be a MOUSE living here in our temporary house!
Mr. B was sitting on the couch on Tues night watching the election coverage when he seen something dart across the floor and behind the curtains. Thinking he was seeing things he got up and checked behind the curtains, when the mouse proceeded to dart back out and across the room.
He called me out to the living room to tell me where I quickly proceeded to jump onto a kitchen chair, even though there was no mouse in sight! We decided to go on a mouse hunt to find the stinking varmint and get it out of here! ‘We’ means Mr. B moving all the stuff and looking for the mouse with a broom, while I hopped from kitchen chair to kitchen chair watching him!
After searching everywhere possible and turning up empty handed we decided to call it quits and call the front desk. Truthfully coming up empty handed was almost a relief itself as I kept having flashbacks to when we lived in AL before on Gunter and Mr. B had to go help our good friend and neighbor kill a mouse in her house. I ended with a dead mouse and a stone rolling pin that was never to be used again! Ewwww!
They are supposed to be coming by Wed and setting up humanitarian traps to catch it. I really don’t care how they catch it as long as they get it outta here an quick! As I’m typing this I have my feet up on chairs and off the floor! I can’t believe we’re paying to stay in a room that has a mouse in it!
Just one more thing to add to our list of crazy adventures we’ve had since being in AL only 2 weeks! I’m afraid to even ask what next?!
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