It’s what Bubby found on the beach a while back, and it was a lucky find!
It’s a neat looking shell that acutally comes from an octopus!
Here is a link on it: Greater Argonaut
It’s worth $45-60 US since they are so hard to find whole…
Speaking of how special and irreplaceable it is we learned an important lesson the other day. We have friends who actually found one about a week before we did. We had no idea what it was because I hadn’t been able to find anything online easily. So a week later when we found one I spent literally hours on the internet until I found out what it was! When they were packing up several weeks ago she walked into the dining room and found it shattered on her floor! So we now know that we are going to package ours ahead of time so they don’t accidently break it!
The Spahn Family says
Debbie says
gorgeous! Take care with packing it