After our trip to Vulcan park we headed to the Peanut Depot, located only 10 minutes away. Turning onto Morris Ave was like turning back in time driving on the cobblestone street, it was quite a treat!
We wanted to check out the tasty peanuts raved about in attractions books and websites and the kids were excited to feed the pigeons.
We checked out the antique roasting machines and sampled all of the peanuts
We bought Cajun, Salted, and Natural peanuts. Mr. B & Bubby liked the Cajun and the rest of us liked the salted, we fed the natural ones to the birds 🙂

One flew right into Bubby’s hair and caused quite a commotion

Bubby was determined to have them eat a peanut off his leg
They got startled and flew away, but it wasn’t long before they were headed back looking for peanuts
While we were at the Vulcan Mr. B seen this book called Alabama Curiosities, 2nd: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff (Curiosities Series)
in the gift shop and I just had to have it, LOL! After flipping through I seen a few places we’ve already seen (Gravity Hill, ect) and thought that we should check out some of the Birmingham ones since we were in the area
in the gift shop and I just had to have it, LOL! After flipping through I seen a few places we’ve already seen (Gravity Hill, ect) and thought that we should check out some of the Birmingham ones since we were in the area
Boo found the Heaviest Corner on Earth on our walk down the street! It’s at the corner of 20th St N & First Ave N
Then we headed to take some photos of the Quinlan Castle on 9th Ave S & 21st St S
And we had to stop by the Storyteller Fountain in Five Points and snap a few photos
The Storyteller
Making a wish
I look forward to checking out many other places listed in the book, it’s a fun and neat way to see things that we might have otherwise ‘missed’ or not known about
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