I shared this a few months ago on Blueberries & Bokah but thought I would share it here for my readers as well 🙂
Using props is a great way to help give a photo a little extra something. It can be done easily with simple props and pretty inexpensively if you have the right mindset about it. Ever since I started to pursue photography I have started to look at things around me in a different way, such as ‘Can I put a newborn in that?’ ‘Could I use that in a photo?’ and ‘That would be great for a photo!’ I’m going to give you a few ideas for where to find photo props and how to ‘think outside the box’ when looking for them.
The first place to look is right around you in your own home. You’ll be surprised to find that you may have buckets, boxes, crates, blankets, beanbags, and other neat items that would be great for a photo shoot. Other ideas may be sports balls, baseball gloves, books, and other trinkets. You may even have some more unique items that could be used, for instance we have a ornate wooden rocking horse and vintage wooden bucket that we picked up in Japan. These items are great for providing a unique touch.
This photo was taken using a black basket that I used to hold library books and a green blanket I had at the house. I originally found the basket on clearance at Hobby Lobby for those who were wondering.
You can also use something as simple as a piece of ribbon wrapped around a cute pregnant belly and a pair of dog tags, which any military family has.
Another great place to find photo props is thrift stores or flea markets. I love bringing a hint of ‘old’ in with my photo shoots. I’ve scored things like a vintage suitcase for $2, vintage wash basins for $5-10, wooden dough bowl for $15, as well as a vintage scale for $10. These items took a bit of time and hunting to find but were easy on the wallet and provide some unique photo props. I just keep a list of to-find items in my purse and when I stop by one of these places I glance and see what ideas I had and keep my eyes open while I shop.
This photo was taking using the $2 vintage suitcase, a fleece I had found on clearance (Hobby Lobby), and a cute outfits that this baby’s grandma had sent from Bulgaria.
This leaf basket was also found at a thrift store for $8 and provided a unique baby holder in this photo.
Think about what you can make to use as photo props, yes I said make. You would be surprised at some of the cute and easy stuff that can be made for cheap and used for many photo sessions. You can make things like banners, backgrounds, numbers, and much more. Use the internet for ideas and start crafting up some props!
So far my favorite props I’ve made are these lace crowns, I just adore them and they were so easy to make!
Consider what you can do to use the space around you, it’s amazing how a normal driveway can be transformed into an great photo opportunity with a little chalk, time, and a steady hand. You may also have great walls or floors that can be used a background for the photos. Have a barn? Those make for some great backgrounds! Adding balloons, letters, or numbers can instantly transform any backyard to a great photo setting.
Using my friend’s driveway and a little chalk we were able to take this fun and cute photo of her two precious kids.
Some cheap helium balloons and foam letters (Michaels) were used to give this outdoor setting a little something extra to capture this little boy’s first birthday.
When your shopping at Hobby Lobby, Walmart, Michaels ask yourself as you scan the isles ‘can I use that in a photo’ and you’ll be amazed at what you can find. One of my best props I scored at Hobby Lobby using a 40% off coupon. Later I went back and got a 2nd one in a blue color that was on clearance. So what was it?
This amazingly adorable teapot planter! I couldn’t resist and turned out so precious! So as you can see it just takes a bit of ‘creative’ thinking and you’ll start seeing props everywhere you go.
And finally some easy props for all ages can be something they put on. Such as hats, headbands, scarves, bandanas, and even super hero masks. Keep a lookout for these items on clearance at stores, at second hand stores, and from family & friends who may be getting rid of items.
Santa hats are a great way to add a little holiday flair to a photo. You can find these at the dollar store and other stores for a decent price.
Have a group of fun friends, or a fun family? Give them some super hero masks, which are sure to make everyone smile! These would also work great for a dad & son photo. You can purchase masks at any party store, raids your kids toy bins, or make them as seen above.
Using these tips will help you to starting seeing everyday objects around you in a new way, as a way to enhance a photo or a photo shoot. If you use this mindset you can find items cheaply and build up your photo prop supply without costing you a lot of money. So get out there and get creative! I’d love to know what is the best photo prop that you have used so far?
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