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Boo managed to snag this snazzy headband at a Culture event we went to (post coming soon!) |
If you didn’t know me in person (or don’t know me) then some might think that I am a Teller of Tall Tales, especially when it comes to the ever flowing and abundant stories of Boo. I have NO idea why he seems to be a magnet for freak incidents but I do assure you that they are indeed true my friends! I am not in fact a Teller of Tall Tales, just the bearer of of some weird (and often wildly unbelievable) stories 🙂 I mean sure our life in general is often pretty crazy, like one roller coaster drop after another, but I tell you he indeed is often the highlight of those stories.
About 2 weeks ago Boo injured his hip. We’re still not sure if the injury came from running track (his first time this year) or playing basketball with Mr. B, there is an ongoing debate about this ;p Of course as usual he said he was fine and did not want to go to the Dr. After a few days it was bothering him even while he slept so I decided to take him to get it checked out, but only after his track coach told him he should get it looked it…despite having to visit he Dr so much he’s really not all that willing to go. This is where we met our new to us PCM…aka Foreign Albert Einstein, for those of you who know the story I’m sure your chuckling at that experience. Basically he was told to take it easy and not do anything with his hip. I mean really is that possible for any 15 year old? Especially one with a freakishly high pain tolerance?!
Needless to say he ran his track meet that following Monday (we seen Dr on Friday) and while it wasn’t getting worse it was still bothering him on and off some. So this week on Monday (3 days ago) he had another track meet and all was going well. He completed two of his events and was sitting with friends waiting on his last event. His hip was holding out well enough for him to compete but still wasn’t 100% and then IT happened….
What is IT you may ask? It was the freakish event that occurred next. As he was sitting waiting for the event talking with friends a boy was behind him picking up a 12 lb heavy metal shot put ball, and yet you guessed it…he just ‘happened’ to drop the darn thing right on Boo’s hurt hip! I mean are you kidding me?! Of all the ways he could’ve gotten hurt that day I wouldn’t have dreamed that it would’ve been by a shot put! Needless to say he was in extreme pain and was unable to run his last event.
People ask why we let Boo do sports because he is always in one story or another but I know for a fact that the only thing Boo needs to do to be a danger to himself each day is to wake up and get out of bed. I’ve considered requiring him to wear a Michelin man or Ghostbusters Marshmallow man outfit 100% of the time but I have a feeling that wouldn’t pass the school dress code 😉 And truthfully his incidents are really freak accidents….it’s pretty hard to prevent that! He he wasn’t doing sports he’d get injured walking down the hall….trust me! Needless to say we’re leaning towards academic scholarships because he a live accident waiting to happen!
Thankfully this week they only had 1 practice and he did not do anything and then they are off until April so he’s in a rest/recovery period…well he’s supposed to be….except yesterday at school in 7th period they were playing basketball. And no he did not hurt his hip but he did hurt his chest/arm! I mean I give up! When I picked him up he had a golf ball sized lump under his collar bone and was having pain when raising his arm. After taking Motrin and by the time we got home an hour later we the swelling had gone down so we decided to wait and see how it was today. Of course I put in a phone referral to see if we needed to take him to the Dr but never got a call back…ugh. Thankfully we decided to see what the morning would bring and got out of an ER visit. This morning he’s doing better…it just hurts when he pushes the area…so I told him NOT to touch it…you would think that would be common sense…..
Then to really shake up the week we got some unexpected news that rocked our world late Wed afternoon, we’re still processing it and in ‘shock and awe’ mode. And as if that wasn’t enough Bea had to come home from school yesterday because she was running a fever, which is all fine and dandy…we’re just rolling with the punches around here 😉 You know what they say “Jesus, bring the rain!” I was hoping things would settle down but next week’s already projected to be a wild ride and we’re just holding on tight and praying that He will guide us through the storm!
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