Here are a few pictures from our bus ride in Tokyo. We took the Airport Limo, which is actually a huge bus, from New Sanno to Narita. If we had it to do over again we would’ve hired the ‘limo’ service (aka van) from Camp Zama for the same price but shorter ride. The bus ride was 2 hours long because for the 1st hour we stopped at several hotels and picked up other passengers. Plus our bus driver was a maniac and slammed on the brakes hard several times, one time that was so sudden it threw Bea forward and she hit her ear on the seat in front of her.
All in all it was Okay but after getting spoiled with the 20 minute ride the day before I had the feeling it could’ve been great if we’d used the other service.
Bea on the bus
Check out all the bikes, the streets of Tokyo were literally lined with them!
Interesting shot I happened to catch as we passed quickly by on the bus
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