Tonami Clan Park is a nice little park for a family visit. It has a museum, playground, go-carts, putt-putt golf and a small ‘zoo’. I use the term zoo loosely because when they say zoo here I know that means a couple of small animals. The ‘zoo’ here had several small goats, some chickens, peacocks, and some ducks. There were also some type of antelope to look at. Bea got bit by a duck, her face was priceless (which I failed to capture). The other freaky thing about this place is that it was COVERED in spiderwebs which we could clearly see because it had rained that night. There is also a museum but we did not go in it. There were also some statues spread out throughout the park.
Hazel Capalad says
This web infested place was definitely not worthy of curing my phobias of bugs and arachnids. I still get goosebumps just thinking about it but I’m so glad I have my kids to keep me strong. I was screaming bloody murder the whole entire time. ha ha ha