We are in the ‘new to us’ house on base! Not unpacked, but moved nonetheless! Now it’s a mad dash to get unpacked and organized as I start a 6 wk long term subbing job (so I’ll be working full-time) on Monday! Talk about pressure, LOL!
The house is a bit filthy in the crooks & crannies so that slows things down as it creeps me out and I have to deep clean while I unpack, sigh, but it could be much worse.
The worse part is that I’m also trying to get the old house ready to turn back in to the realtor so we can get untied from it, and all this cleaning, unpacking, ect is killing my back, my still sore ribs, and leaving me so tired I’m ready for bed at 6 pm, LOL!
It was so crazy to go grocery shopping yesterday and come home with the groceries and have nowhere to put them cuz of the chaos…but we so needed the food! I am sick of eating out so I’m determined in spite of the chaos to cook each night, last night we had tacos…Boo was able to rummage around the chaos and find me a pan to cook the hamburger in, LOL!
Here are a few (I wouldn’t torture you with all of the chaos, LOL!) pics of the chaotic state we are currently living in (but hopefully NOT for long as it’s driving me batty!!) be glad that you are not here to live in it, LOL!
Living room, or will be when I can ‘find’ it
Other half of living room, faring a bit better
Dining room…the table is under there somewhere…
Kitchen, my own personal form of torture…I hope it gets resolved soon!
Hallway closet & Hall upstairs…I just want to shut the door and pretend like nothing is in there…maybe we won’t miss it and I can throw it all away?! LOL!!
Bea’s room, for the most part it just needs a few boxes undone (which may or may not actually go in her room, to yet be determined…I haven’t had the strength to look!) and her closet needs organized. Nothing like all of us on a clothing frenzy in the morning trying to find something to where from the 4 closets and MANY clothes heaps, Oh the JOYS of moving, LOL!
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