Happy New Years! I hope you had a great 2013 and that 2014 holds many great things in store for you as well!
Our 2013 was interesting to say the least! Just a quick recap of the year –
In January Mr. B left from his 2 weeks of R & R to head back to Afghanistan to finish the last 6 months of his deployment. In the meantime the kids and I held down the fort and I worked full-time subbing as a Kindergarten aide. We celebrated the passing of months with ‘Nother Month Down Parties
In February we completed the Overseas clearance process to head to Aviano, Italy in August, little did we know what was ahead…
In March I turned 33, and Mr. B sewed on his new rank after waiting a year to do so.
In April we got our official orders to Aviano, and were plugging away with the PCS process. The hubby of my one of my sweet friend’s deployed and we started doing photo shoots starting with her Maternity one.
In May just 2 weeks before shipping our vehicle we found out that we were being diverted to Spangdhalem, Germany! It was bittersweet for us, you can read about it in this post. Bea turned 10 years old and is becoming quite the young lady!
In June, after 444 days away, Mr. B returned home from his deployment! I also started to get back on the blogging bandwagon and started blogging seriously again. I finally decided to go self-hosted and moved to Word Press.
In July we became ‘local tourists’ and checked out a few places in Montgomery, AL before we left like the Riverwalk and Union Station. We also went to Gatilinburg, TN and had an unfortunate hotel stay and checked out the local sites. We also had a great visit with some friends that we met when we were stationed together in Iceland, it was our first time together in 8 years!
In August Mr. B started a 7 week intensive class which kept him very busy. He also turned 37 years old, boy he’s getting up there, LOL!!! I started the school year off subbing in 3rd grade for a teacher who was moving here from overseas. The kids all started school in Alabama and Boo applied to a college.
In September my mom came to visit us before we headed over to Germany, we had a fun time and checked out Oak Mtn. State Park.
In October I stopped subbing as I kicked into full PCS mode. Mr. B & I ran our first mud run and had a blast, I’m so glad my friend ran it with us as well! We also found out that Boo not only got early acceptance into the college he wanted but got a full scholarship!!
November was a CRAZY month! We packed out, moved to TLF, moved to Germany, and found that things were not going to go as expected and that we’d be house hunting off base! Bub turned 13 years old and we officially have a 2nd teenager in the house.
December we moved to the German ‘hotel’ and after 5 weeks are still house hunting. Boo turned 17 years old, and it’s bittersweet as he’ll be leaving for college this summer. I gave the blog a face lift and designed a new header, which I’m loving!
Whew, so much for that being a quick re-cap huh?! And I’m sure I missed a lot of it too!
My Goals for 2014, as I dislike the word ‘resolution’ with a passion, not sure why…but I do
2014 Goals
To find a house, preferably sooner than later, but a house is a MUST this year.
To travel – specifically to hit all the places listed in the Panther Paws day trip section, there are 55 listed in there, and to blog about each of them. As well as the others on my ‘to see’ list.
To do more photography ’stuff’ like taking photos, learning, collaborating with other photographers.
To continue growing my blog and share info with others from traveling to crafting and life in general.
To meet my Reading Goal of 75 books. I’m disappointed that my goal last year I lowered to 50 books and only read 41 but then again we had one heck of year so at least I got that many read! Hoping to get back on track this year with my 75 a year goal again!
To meet and grow new friendships, I read in my fortune cookie on New Year’s Eve ‘Friends are a gift you give to yourself’ and boy is that so true! I desperately miss all my friends and I look forward to building those kinds of friendships here.
There I have now summed up what I’d like to achieve in 2014, at least some of it, I could probably go on forever about these too!
What is your biggest goal for 2014?!
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